French breathalyser latest

I shall add this to the list of things I haven't bought and don;t intend to buy. And practically, what does an unused breathalyser do to improve road safety? It's Catch 22 - I did have a breathalyser, officer, but I used it to confirm I was safe to drive. Ah, but now you don't have a breathalyser...
Does anyone know if motorcyclists will have to carry these breathe test kits ?

I believe they do.

[HI]It has emerged that the chief of the road safety group that persuaded Nicolas Sarkozy’s government to adopt the ruling is also a senior executive with the leading manufacturer of the blow-in-the-bag test kits.

French daily Sud Ouest revealed on Wednesday that Daniel Orgeval, the president of the anti-drink driving lobby group I-Test, also works for Contralco, the leading manufacturer of the equipment.[/HI]

Goodness me, that's a surprise, whatever next?
Does anyone know if motorcyclists will have to carry these breathe test kits ?

Yes , they do have to carry one ....Each day since the first of July they repeat it on the radio news, so I am sure !



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Are you allowed to carry a reusable digital one or does it have to be one authorised by the French government so they can get their kickbacks? :Rofl1::Rofl1:
One or two? I thought two were needed in case you were instructed to use one.

NO is enough! They are supposed to provide a breathalyzer when they control you !!!

If you are not an alcohol drinker you just need the one you have to show the Police. In fact the others should be in the houses where you're going so you can test yourselves before leaving. I would not be surprised either if the restaurants were having a few at disposal for their clients.

I have a set of 2 because they were sold together. But will never use them . I don't drink. Problem solved:Smile:


Are you allowed to carry a reusable digital one or does it have to be one authorised by the French government so they can get their kickbacks? :Rofl1::Rofl1:

Karl ... I see you everywhere :Rofl1::Rofl1:

It just has to be french normes NF that's all !
I shall add this to the list of things I haven't bought and don;t intend to buy. And practically, what does an unused breathalyser do to improve road safety? It's Catch 22 - I did have a breathalyser, officer, but I used it to confirm I was safe to drive. Ah, but now you don't have a breathalyser...

like in Spain, the French police are out to catch motorists for anything if they can get away with. From the standard of French driving Ive seen as typical, your just as likely to be bumped by a local car. The police will then attend and as a matter of procedure check your breathaliser is there. Cheaper to spend 3 or 4 euos now than get fined

Im not saying your not right about the probable usefulness, but it is a legal requirement and to state you dont intend to comply is a you feel lucky??

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Are you allowed to carry a reusable digital one or does it have to be one authorised by the French government so they can get their kickbacks? :Rofl1::Rofl1:

We bought one of the digital ones, does this mean we have wasted our money and will have to buy the blow the bag up model??

We were in France in June and I tried to buy two ready for our next excursion. None of the supermarkets I tried had any stock. I understand they are in short supply.
Yes , they do have to carry one ....Each day since the first of July they repeat it on the radio news, so I am sure !



Motorcyclist's a point...but not all motorised cycles...I put this on a thread earlier this week,With a lot of other information

Breath test kits obligatory
March 05, 2012
DRIVERS and motorcyclists will be obliged to carry a breath test in their vehicles from July 1 after the publication of the new law in the Journal Officiel.

Foreign visitors and tourists also come under the new law which opinion polls have said is welcomed by two in three voters in France.

Anyone found not carrying a breath test kit will face a fine of €11 and only cyclomoteurs - two-wheelers of under 50cc -DOES THIS MEAN JJ On his Velo solex will be exempt. OH NO...A period of grace will mean it will not be enforced until November 1.

like in Spain, the French police are out to catch motorists for anything if they can get away with. From the standard of French driving Ive seen as typical, your just as likely to be bumped by a local car. The police will then attend and as a matter of procedure check your breathaliser is there. Cheaper to spend 3 or 4 euos now than get fined

Im not saying your not right about the probable usefulness, but it is a legal requirement and to state you dont intend to comply is a you feel lucky??

Spot on .big1.........also do you think GB plated plated vehicles would be a prime target:Wink::Wink:...
The reason I say that is because our UK neighbour and my cousin were pulled, and had to pay 90 euros, for not physically stopping at a stop sign..they could see the road was clear both ways!!! so with the car was still just rolling ...pulled out !!whoops Gendarme bikers two of them....also a UK biker did not give way to two Gendarme bikers pulling out off the slip road on the motorway (priority right) slow down and let them on the motorway or pull into the second lane if clear...90euros


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NO is enough! They are supposed to provide a breathalyzer when they control you !!!

If you are not an alcohol drinker you just need the one you have to show the Police. In fact the others should be in the houses where you're going so you can test yourselves before leaving. I would not be surprised either if the restaurants were having a few at disposal for their clients.

I have a set of 2 because they were sold together. But will never use them . I don't drink. Problem solved:Smile:



Advice from the Sécurité Routière is to carry two kits - to cover any eventual usage.

Costs for the simple balloon-type are no more than €1.50. They should carry the NF (Norme Française) logo and should be changed every two years.

Yes Mel , I would say the same to someone who drinks on a regular basis . In fact I would recommend to these people at least 10 of them. But we are talking about LAW , just this , and it says only one is compulsary. I bought 2 only because it was a set of 2 ... but I don't drink and if I had had the choice , I would have had only one.
If I happen to drink means someone else drives or I am at home ... simple!


Yes Mel , I would say the same to someone who drinks on a regular basis . In fact I would recommend to these people at least 10 of them. But we are talking about LAW , just this , and it says only one is compulsary. I bought 2 only because it was a set of 2 ... but I don't drink and if I had had the choice , I would have had only one.
If I happen to drink means someone else drives or I am at home ... simple!



Frankie ...this is not my advice this was out of a French newspaper.
.Advice from the Sécurité Routière is to carry two kits - to cover any eventual usage.

My wife and I also do not drink.... That has nothing to do with says you must have a kit on board at all having used one if pulled over, you need another one to carry on with your journey,

If you want to carry ONE blow in a bag in your car that is up to you.....

But for motorhomers coming across from the uk it may be better for them to carry two kits as suggested in the French news paper ..Due to them having differculties aquiring the French breathalyser kit in the first place, and do not need the extra worry driving around looking for a replacement when they should be enjoying there holiday.
.:Doh:. I thought that was sound advice from the Sécurité Routière
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From what I've seen of the NF ones it is very difficult to assess the accuracy so use the digital one but keep the cheap NF ones with you as well.

We dont drink and drive, but will the French police accept the digital model or will we need to buy the NF ones as well? just to be within the letter of the law?
We dont drink and drive, but will the French police accept the digital model or will we need to buy the NF ones as well? just to be within the letter of the law?

Yeah ... Do have a NF one and you'll be peace minded.... just like me :Smile:



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Frankie ...this is not my advice this was out of a French newspaper.
.Advice from the Sécurité Routière is to carry two kits - to cover any eventual usage.

My wife and I also do not drink.... That has nothing to do with says you must have a kit on board at all having used one if pulled over, you need another one to carry on with your journey,

If you want to carry ONE blow in a bag in your car that is up to you.....

But for motorhomers coming across from the uk it may be better for them to carry two kits as suggested in the French news paper ..Due to them having differculties aquiring the French breathalyser kit in the first place, and do not need the extra worry driving around looking for a replacement when they should be enjoying there holiday.
.:Doh:. I thought that was sound advice from the Sécurité Routière

Advice reported in a newspaper is not the Law...

As I understand it the Law states you must have ONE on board.

Now... if you get pulled and have to use that one then you can not carry on with your journey because you no longer have a breathalyser on board...

But if you have two... and happen to be pulled over twice on the same journey and you use both up... well then...

So... you decide... but as I understand it the law says you must have ONE...

(The newspaper with this advice wasn't the French Daily Ma*l by any chance?)

JJ :Cool:
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Advice reported in a newspaper is not the Law...

As I understand it the Law states you must have ONE on board.

Now... if you get pulled and have to use that one then you can not carry on with your journey because you no longer have a breathalyser on board...

But if you have two... and happen to be pulled over twice on the same journey and you use both up... well then...

So... you decide..I agree with JJ..Mmm it is up to you....YOU DECIDE one or two kits in your motorhome. ...............but what JJ is saying as he understands it the law says you must have ONE...

Now was this information taken from the Portuguese Daily mail:Wink::Wink: or mail on Sunday:Wink::Wink:

NO :dm: NO

JJ :Cool:

And what are the chances of being pulled over twice:wine::drink::Eeek:.unless you have been drinking and:driving2: then the one bag should be enough:Rofl1:... have I ever said it is law.... I said it was sound advice from Sécurité Routière:Doh::Wink::Rofl1::Rofl1:
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I do believe it is the law in France (and other places) to have stuff like a first aid kit, yellow jackets, warning triangles, spare bulbs and the like...

I have had the great pleasure of being stopped many times by the police in France (Spain and Portugal)... (Those policewomen with that uniform and their French accents...:Blush:) and never, ever, ever have I been asked to show any of the above items to them...

...they wanted to see ID, vehicle documents and then get the sniffer dogs in to check for drugs... (poor beasts sniffing around the Wagon... it must knock 'em out for hours!)... :Rofl1:

I also think that the claim that the foreign police target the Brits just so they can get money out of them to be, in my experience, completely false... I have never ever, ever been fined...

I dare say some "We saved you in the War and beat you at Waterloo and Agincourt" arrogant English types with their superior attitude might wind a few Gendarmes up... and then they suffer the consequences... those types wind me up too and I have a UK passport...

JJ :Cool:

I do believe it is the law in France (and other places) to have stuff like a first aid kit, yellow jackets, warning triangles, spare bulbs and the like...

I have had the great pleasure of being stopped many times by the police in France (Spain and Portugal)... (Those policewomen with that uniform and their French accents...:Blush:) and never, ever, ever have I been asked to show any of the above items to them...

...they wanted to see ID, vehicle documents and then get the sniffer dogs in to check for drugs... (poor beasts sniffing around the Wagon... it must knock 'em out for hours!)... :Rofl1:

I also think that the claim that the foreign police target the Brits just so they can get money out of them to be, in my experience, completely false..
You could be correct.. I was just asking the question....may be a kind word of advice would have been better than 90 euros.

I have never ever, ever been fined...

I dare say some "We saved you in the War and beat you at Waterloo and Agincourt" arrogant English types with their superior attitude might wind a few Gendarmes up... and then they suffer the consequences... those types wind me up too and I have a UK passport...

JJ :Cool:

Are you saying you do not carry these items above and advice others to do the same.. or you do carry them, but have never been asked to produce them...if the later.. then it is sound advice to carry at least one blow in the bag kit if not two :Wink::Wink:
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Spot on .big1.........also do you think GB plated plated vehicles would be a prime target:Wink::Wink:...
[HI]The reason I say that is because our UK neighbour and my cousin were pulled, and had to pay 90 euros, for not physically stopping at a stop sign..they could see the road was clear both ways!!! so with the car was still just rolling ...pulled out [/HI]!!whoops Gendarme bikers two of them....also a UK biker did not give way to two Gendarme bikers pulling out off the slip road on the motorway (priority right) slow down and let them on the motorway or pull into the second lane if clear...90euros


This is probably the most common thing to be stopped (and fined for) in France. If it says stop, it means stop--for 3 seconds the car must be stationary (or is it stationery?) Just along the road from me there is a stop junction--middle of nowhere, easy to see both ways. Friends in the car sniggered as I stopped--but stopped as a car with 2 Gendarmes came along the road.

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This is probably the most common thing to be stopped (and fined for) in France. If it says stop, it means stop--for 3 seconds the car must be stationary (or is it stationery?) Just along the road from me there is a stop junction--middle of nowhere, easy to see both ways. Friends in the car sniggered as I stopped--but stopped as a car with 2 Gendarmes came along the road.

My father told me one morning some 40 years ago, when coming back from work at midnight (he was working for french TV so ending work when programs ended of course), that he had been fined for not stopping at least 2 seconds . FULL STOP ! It was at a cross road , in the middle of nowhere, midnight ... and these 2 policemen were waiting for people doing that silly thing, not stopping ! I full stop each time and recommend to do so to anyone driving in France ... or if caught you'll be fined


Are you saying you do not carry these items above and advice others to do the same.. or you do carry them, but have never been asked to produce them...if the later.. then it is sound advice to carry at least one blow in the bag kit if not two :Wink::Wink:

I try (but maybe fail) never to advise anyone... I say what I do... and yes... I do carry these things somewhere... but it would take me ages to dig them out...:Rofl1:

But I hope that all these "regulations" and perceived problems do not put people off taking trips abroad because they get themselves into a tizzy about them...

I found continental travel to be exciting, fun, different and exhilarating... and quite straight forward...

JJ :Cool:

if it is a marked cross road you have to stop a unmarked cross road you are to slow down enough to look both ways and cary on without stoping ,thats for the uk:RollEyes:
This is probably the most common thing to be stopped (and fined for) in France. If it says stop, it means stop--for 3 seconds the car must be stationary (or is it stationery?) Just along the road from me there is a stop junction--middle of nowhere, easy to see both ways. Friends in the car sniggered as I stopped--but stopped as a car with 2 Gendarmes came along the road.

Yes I agree Holly... I do stop.. and I tell alll my friends and relations the same to be aware of the stop sign:thumb:
€11 for a fine isn't too bad though is it?

I suspect these kits cost about a fiver and probably have an age limit when they need to be replaced of say 3 years?

In the 20 odd years I have travelled on the continent I have never been stopped.

I might just be a rebel:BigGrin:

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