For sale Hymer B544

  • Posted by Posted by dawsey (+0 /0 /-0)
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Ready for sale in April 2025
Name or Number
Registration Year
Type of Motorhome
A Class Fully Integrated
No of Berths
170517km (106,000miles)
Steering Position
Left Hand Drive
  1. Drop Down Bed
  2. End Kitchen
  3. End Washroom
  4. Front Lounge

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18 members are watching this classified ad
Hello what a smashing motorhome is it still for sale and I think I read it could be available for viewing in the UK fairly soon is this still the case?
Regards Paul
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Sorry but No. It will be in UK as part of a visit for about a week in late september early october but not available to view. It will be emptied/cleaned/prepped and made available for sale in 3-6 months. We are currently living in it.
Paul Leon
Paul Leon
Ok that’s fair enough but please let me know when Wlima is available for sale as I ‘m very interested.
‘Helga’ wil be put up for sale when we have bought a property in France and successfully moved there. The advert went live in July when we exchanged on a property but it fell through about a month ago so now we are back at square one. Sadly it might be six months or even more as we don’t know when we will find a new place, and when we do it takes 3-4 months mininum to buy a commercial property over here. I should remove the ad really as there are many who have been interested and I have to put off.
"Dawsey" a bit of a stupid question, but all the electronic info whizzed overhead. On a summers day in a warm part of Spain, how long would the power last for the A/C. I love the heat, but my dog is less keen. I prefer wild camping to the touristy spots so I'm trying to work out how long I could camp wild in summer if I used A/c at night. Thanks
Yes the van is good.
Dawsey thats a beautifull van
Ha, beauty is in the eye of the beholder! - I personally find almost every motor home hideous, including mine. They are functional things, this one is no exception :)
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