We've been talking about this great bit of kit a lot over the past few weeks. It's simple to fit and uses your alternator to charge your batteries 5 times faster than a hook up or a genny.
At a quarter of the price of a Honda Generator it not only keeps our leisure batteries charged but it's sophisticated 4 step charger keeps them in tip-top condition.
I have a deal with someone who will sell me 6 at an Excellent price. They normally retail at around £339. Some dealers discount them to around £300. If I buy 6 I can supply them to Funsters at just £260 plus £10 P&P (to UK addresses)
I've put them in the shop, at this price I doubt they will be there long. The deal can only go ahead if I sell all six. If you buy and I don't sell the six by this time next week; your money will be returned in full.
If you want to claim one. Buy it and/or shout up here
At a quarter of the price of a Honda Generator it not only keeps our leisure batteries charged but it's sophisticated 4 step charger keeps them in tip-top condition.
I have a deal with someone who will sell me 6 at an Excellent price. They normally retail at around £339. Some dealers discount them to around £300. If I buy 6 I can supply them to Funsters at just £260 plus £10 P&P (to UK addresses)
I've put them in the shop, at this price I doubt they will be there long. The deal can only go ahead if I sell all six. If you buy and I don't sell the six by this time next week; your money will be returned in full.
If you want to claim one. Buy it and/or shout up here
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